New York 2008
The 2008 East Coast Collectors Meeting was again held at the at the Maritime Industry Museum, on the campus of the New York State University
Maritime College, Ft. Schuyler, Bronx, New York on May 16-17, 2008. The same format of presentations/discussions on Friday and the modelshow on Saturday was followed. At the group dinner held at Tosca's Restaurant on Friday, Peter Wiedling was the recipient of the award for most outstanding contribution to the growth of the hobby due to his early and lifelong support of the efforts of young model builders in Germany, with a second award going to Andreas Prinz (in absentia), producer of the Aquarius line. At the conclusion of Saturday's show, those in attendance met to lay the foundation for the SMSC.
Fort Schuyler's parade ground
Photos courtesy of Ulrich Rudofsky
 he SUNY Maritime's new Dorms. Propeller from SS United States
"A" student Kevin Burke and "Professor" Tom Haughton. Let's not always see the same hands!
Lunch time. Peter Wiedling and Hjalmar Heinen in the lunch line.
The models arrive. Setting up- the MSM corner.
Previewing the models: Hjalmar Heinen, Peter Wiedling, Rudi "I would have done it this way..." Peter Wiedling, Hjalmar
Kraus, Kevin Burke, Kevin Stewart, Bob Wiringa. Heinen, Rudi Kraus, Kevin Stewart.
Al Jackman and Rick Richmond at Chris Daley's 1250Ships Jim Angelis making a sale to Hjalmar Heinen.
John Olsen at the sign-in desk. Customers at the MSM corner.
Chris Daley with a table full of customers. MSM's selection of Classic Ship Models.
Dave Shadell and Mike Meyer. George Elder taking care of MSM business.
Jim Angelis had a good day. Mike Meyer and Dave Shadell.
The action winds down.
The Awards Dinner at Tosca's
Christina Rudofsky, John Reeder, Robert Liu, Peter Wiedling, Rudi Kraus, Rick A few words from Ulrich.
Richmond, Hjalmar Heinen, Mark Geraghty, George Elder and Al Jackman are
among the dinner group at Tosca's.
Peter Wiedling accepts his award from ...and thanks the assembled dinner guests.
Mark Geraghty.
Jim Angelis, Kevin Stewart, Rick Richmond, ...and after dinner conversation at the Ulrich Rudofsky and daughter
Joh Olsen and Bob Wiringa at one end of other end. Christina
the table...
Founding the SMSC
Charles Jones presides.