Welcome to the SMSC!
The Society of Miniature Ship Collectors (SMSC) is a non-profit organization incorporated in 2009 to serve the interests of small scale ship modelers and collectors. The goal of the SMSC is to promote the advancement of the study of Maritime and Naval History, Art and Science through the medium of small scale model ships.
All actions of the organization aim to promote fellowship and the sharing of knowledge among persons interested in all aspects of building, collecting and displaying model ships; to preserve the heritage, techniques, and traditions of crafting miniature ship models; and, to participate in model related projects that are of educational service to the general community.
One of the primary goals of the SMSC is to promote and support national and regional meetings that bring together collectors, dealers and producers of 1200/1250 model ships and the general public. The intent of these meetings is to provide the individual collector with the opportunity to forge relationships both within and beyond the collecting community. To further this end, the SMSC will also work to facilitate greater contact and communication among the collecting community through organizing and promoting the formation of Communities of Shared Interest among its members to foster education, fellowship, and the sharing of modeling knowledge.
The SMSC encourages cooperation with other groups and organizations that share similar interests, including collectors of smaller scales, and encourage the general public’s awareness and participation in all its activities. The SMSC will continuously work to promote the hobby of 1200/1250 collecting and other small scales and to encourage new collectors to join the hobby and /or to become members of the SMSC.
To become a member of the SMSC, contact Charles Jones (jonescr@swbell.net), Membership Secretary, with your name, street address, e-mail address and (optional) area of collecting interest. At this time, no dues are required and there is no term limit for basic membership. Donations are accepted in the form of membership upgrades, Contributing Memberships for $25 - $49 and Sustaining Memberships for $50 and over.
Our Web Site
Our web site is still a work in progress and will remain so, since content is continually being added. The site serves mainly as a conduit to the extensive resources available on the Web. It is not meant to duplicate the Steelnavy web site or any of the other sites and message boards that provide information and a means of dialog for the small scale ship modeling and collecting community. Instead, our goal is to supplement these sites by offering users a ready reference guide to the hobby in its broadest possible sense.
The content of this site serves three objectives: 1) to provide a basic level of information about the hobby to the small scale enthusiast, whether newcomer or veteran; 2) to preserve valuable information from the various message boards that might otherwise be lost; and 3) to link users to other sites on the Web that contain information of interest and value to the hobby.
We welcome your comments and contributions. If you have any favorite links that are not here, or any suggestions for improvements kindly let us know and we will incorporate them to the best of our ability. |
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